UPDATE:  L.O.V.E. Ministries Bible Study at Dillon Hall Senior Apartments by Sonja Miller at 3:00 p.m. is taking a Break in Our Studies at This Time, I will let you know when we will begin again.

L.O.V.E. Ministries (Ladies of Victory Everywhere, and Men) – Sonja Miller and Ken Miller                          

Dear Everyone,

L.O.V.E. Ministries – I like to inform you that when I first started L.o.v.e. Ministries years ago, I stated that the name means (Ladies of Victory Everywhere) I was going to remove (Ladies of Victory Everywhere) from the Ministry Name but after some time in prayer I felt lead to leave it in our Ministry Name because that is the Original Name the Lord gave us, we are now including men to have the opportunity to attend our Love Ministries Meetings and Bible Studies with Ken and I, we will keep you informed when meetings begin again.

L.o.v.e. Ministries is a Bible based oriented encouragement; prayer and healing ministry for everyone hurting who want to be free from their past and maintain victory in their life.  Sonja was born and raised in a small Southwest Michigan town.  Sonja has been a victim of molestation, physical & sexual abuse, rape, and rejection.  Sonja does not consider herself a victim anymore since she has received her healing through Jesus Christ her personal Lord and Savior.  I thank God every day for how miraculously He has truly changed my life and has filled my heart with so much Joy.  Because of His amazing love, healing, and restoration in my life, He has given me a heart for all those who are hurting and have suffered many unthinkable things during their lifetime. Jesus Loves us with an everlasting love, and He wants you free, I want you free, but most of all I want you to see yourselves as Jesus see’s You, whole, healed, set free and delivered being all that you can be through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Because of the nature of different types of abuse, I have endured in my life I do minister to hurting and abused women when the need arises, or an appointment can be made to meet one on one.

The Bible says we are more than Conquerors and Gain an Overwhelming Victory through Him who loved us (so much that He died for us) (Romans 8:37 Amp).

But I also have a heart and a passion for everyone who are sold out to Jesus, who want to press in and know Him in a deeper way and have a personal relationship with Him. A personal relationship with God is developed by spending time with Him, reading His Word, getting to know Him, and understanding His character, learning to trust and love Him, knowing His Word is Truth. We need an intimate relationship with Jesus. L.o.v.e. Ministries Meetings are designed to glorify God by applying His Word into our lives. We will continue studying the Word of God His Holy Bible. Amen!

I am also looking for women, men and others who would like to come and share their Testimony of how the Lord has delivered you and set you free.  Praise the Lord you are an overcomer! Glory to God! So if you have a testimony to share that glorifies God, We would appreciate hearing it. If you are a male and would feel more comfortable sharing your testimony with a man, you can share your testimony in confidence with my Husband Ken Miller.

L.o.v.e. Ministries is here to help you. If you would like more information, please contact us at the numbers listed below:        

L.o.v.e. Ministries at: 365-3676: Sonja Miller or Ken Miller or 269-203-7676 at our Home.  


Love in Christ,                                                           

Sonja Miller

Ken Miller

L.o.v.e. Ministries (Ladies of Victory Everywhere, and Men)

L.o.v.e. Ministries is a Bible based Oriented, Encouragement, Prayer and Healing Ministry for those who are hurting and want to overcome their past and become True Women and Men of Victory Everywhere through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Sonja Miller is an Ordained  Minister, Founder and President, of L.o.v.e. Ministries (Ladies of Victory Everywhere, and Men).   Please Contact Sonja Miller  at L.o.v.e. Ministries at  Cell  365-3676    Home  269-203-7676  for more information.  or  (sonjamiller68@gmail.com)


(COG) Family Worship Center,

5841 East H Avenue, 

Kalamazoo, MI  49048